Explore the most asked questions

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Explore the most asked questions

Haven’t found the information you are looking for? Ask your question here. 


We offer a variety of solutions for your portal.

1. What is the time of implementation

It depends of the type of solution you choose and when you, as a real estate website, can start. Request more information here.

2. Do you improve your product continuously?

Yes. We are quite strong in research, innovation and inventing new functionalities. We always implement the newest technologies. 

3. Is Co-libry compatible with my portal?

During your demo call with us, we will ask you more questions about your portal. Ask your demo here.

4. Why should I implement Co-libry into my real estate website?

Co-libry provides AI solutions for real estate portals that want to improve their customer experience and increase their revenue. Unlike the non-personalized content and too general dashboards, our solutions guarantee you show the right information to the right visitors in real time and have unique dashboards created for real estate websites.

This is the way to keep your real estate portal future-proof and increase user experience, conversion rate and customer retention.

5. Is Co-libry able to create personalized recommendations for new or anonymous visitors?

Yes. Definitely.

6. How are the real-time personalised listings and advertisements generated?

We are able to bring the most accurate properties for every single on of your visitors with the help of clever micro-segmentation through machine learning technology. Our AI engines are always running, monitoring and learning everything that’s happening on your real estate portal.

Our AI engines tracks dynamic visitor behavior right from the first click and collects static data about properties.

7. Does co-libry affect the speed of my website?

Before getting started with Co-libry we simply ask you to add a single line of HTML tag on your website that includes our JavaScript file. This file is identical with your other Javascript files. Modern browsers are requesting those files to load parallel to each other, so that loading time won’t get affected. That’s why, one javascript file does not directly affect your website’s speed.

Co-libry’s Javascript code works like Google Analytics’s javascript. It has a working queue, and overtime it sends eventes from its queue asynchronously. So, it means that the events will be sent only after your website has finished loading. Segmentify responds to requests under 200ms for 99.9% of the time and automatically directs traffic tot he closest server to ensure fast response times.

8. What will our co-operation look like?

Once you showed us your interest we will plan a call to guide you through our demo. This is where we explain to you in greater detail how Co-libry works and you will present your needs and expectations to us.

We will discuss how to integrate Co-libry into your website in order to help your real estate portal thrive optimally. We will also provide you with our best practices and technical documentation.

9. How do we capture listing data?

There are 2 options to capture your data: API-connection or data dump. This depends on the technicality of your portal.

9. How do we capture user data in real-time?

In order for us to capture your user data in real-time, we implement a HTML-snippet in the footer of your website. 

We can also integrate our software with your user tracking tool. If we do this, the tracking will have a delay of 4-8 hours on average.

Security of your data

Your data is save with us. We protect it through encryption and passwords.

1. Where is all my data saved?

This is usually within the country of the client or in Europe (this depends if your real estate website is in Europe). We save your data anonymously on a data warehouse on the Google Cloud Platform.

2. How secure is my data?

All your data is secured and anonymously stored in a datawarehouse. We do this through encryption, unbreakable passwords and two factor authentification.

3. Is all of this GDPR compliant?

Yes. We are data processors. Your customers’ privacy is important to us. Even though we work with your clients’ personal data, such as their click behaviour, searches and views, your clients remain anonymous to us.

Your data is secured by encryption and passwords. 

4. Where does the open data come from?

Open data is available in almost every country, especially within the EU. It is usually accessible from the government.

Open data contains locations of schools, public transport, parks, gyms and more. 

Technical words explained

Some AI-related words might be unknown to you. We listed to most important ones below.

1. What is a recommendation engine?

A recommendation engine is a software that suggests information, products, services to visitors based on different data sources. Read more about recommendation engines here.

2. What is NLP?

Natural Language Processing, usually shortened as NLP, is a branch of artificial intelligence that deals with the interaction between computers and humans using the natural language. Read more about NLP here. 

3. What is image recognition?

Image recognition is the process of identifying and detecting an object or a feature in a digital image or video. In real estate this could be the type of room, a certain object in the room or whether a room is renovated or not.

4. What is metadata?

Metadata are the features that are searcheable by the search engine of a portal. Some examples: amount of rooms, pricing, m², …